Wednesday, February 15, 2012

CANADA - Big Brother's gets social media info without a warrant

Now, those crazy Conservatives want to allow cops to be able to access all of our online and cell data WITHOUT A WARRANT!

They say it's to protect children from predators and if we don't agree with their bill, we stand with the predators. Sounds a lot like that other wacko from down south telling the world that those who didn't stand with the USA against Iraq were against the USA.

Those right wingers will say anything to get people to support their crooked ways.

Can you imagine cops being able to snoop on any one of us at anytime? How about the cop who is a spouse abuser looking to see who his wife is taking too. Or, the kid at the ISP who just snoops for kicks and gets sensitive info on neighbors. I could go on and on.

Im all for access to the information to catch bad guys but no other democratic country in the world allows this to happen without a warrant.

When will people learn that nothing good ever comes to working people by voting Conservative/Republican?

Here's the scoop..

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