Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Red and White

This is a song I wrote to honour Canada's flag

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OIL, Cars and The Polution We Cause.

A few days ago after hearing me talk about "the good old days", my granddaughter asked me why we didn't have seat belts in cars when I was a kid. All I could say is: "Nobody had thought of installing them."

Needless to say, she wasn't impressed. It's hard for a 13 year old to understand something that seems like such a simple idea, had eluded us so many years ago.

Now I wonder what she will say to her children when she talks about her "Good old days?"

What will she tell them when they ask: "Why did you keep driving fossil fueled vehicles when you knew they were destroying the air, the water and the planet?"

It's time folks. It's time that we the people took care of our home - Planet Earth!

We will NEVER stop oil companies from drilling for oil or destroying our planet if we continue to believe that politicians will somehow convince them to change their ways.

Lets not be naive. Politicians will never tell oil companies to stop drilling everywhere RIGHT NOW and put their money into wind, solar and renewable fuels like hydrogen and ethanol because they depend on oil money to get elected.

Only when, we the people, let car companies know we will not buy their fossil fueled vehicles will the oil companies change their ways.

Are you ready to do it or will you continue to part of the problem?

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