Saturday, May 22, 2010

201 Tips To Save Gas

I've been a gas saver nut for many years.
On a cross country tip, I once got 34mpg from a 6 cylinder Chev with 4 people on board and a trunk full of camping gear. That of course was 1974, way before Al gore invented the internet. Today there are several web sites dedicated to hypermiling and all sorts of kooky ideas the average person would never use.

check out these ideas

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Get Rid of Bad Breath

Isn't bad breath something we all worry about at one time or another?

Here are few tips to make it not so:
1. Clean your whole mouth thoroughly
2. Keep your mouth moist
3. Watch what you eat
4. Visit the Dentist Regularly

Get the details...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Are Calcium Channel Blockers Killing People?

I can't understand why CCBs are still on the market. They're nothing but "smoke & mirrors". Yes, they'll lower Blood Pressure numbers BUT they don't save lives!

In this 2000 review, nine different blood pressure-lowering trials involving over 27,000 people showed that CCBs actually CAUSE more cardiovascular incidents.

click here to get the skinny....

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