Monday, May 24, 2010

Welcome to Pettyville © (a state of mind)

Pettyville is a place where ignorance and fear rule the lives of it's inhabitants. The official language of Pettyville is HIA. HIA doesn't mean "Hello there". HIA is an acronym for “hints, innuendo and assumptions”. You see, here in Pettyville no one is allowed to say what they mean or mean what they say. Only what is "inferred" between the lines is accepted as "what you really mean". Discovering your "hidden agendas and expectations" are what people strive for.

The two cardinal rules of Pettyville are: Don't learn and don't change. If you should somehow stumble upon some irrefutable knowledge, keep it to yourself. Otherwise you will be ostracized because the natives of Pettyville will perceive you as thinking you are "better than they are." To be accepted in Pettyville you must "act" just like everybody else, accept responsibility for everyone else's feelings and learn to put others down to build yourself up. Repetition is the by-word here. You must always shop at the same stores, enjoy the same sports, drink at the same bars and be absolutely loyal to those you associate with no matter how out of touch they might be.

In Pettyville, giving in the Christian sense, is not allowed. You must always keep score of everything you do for anyone for fear that they won't pay you back. And, if they don't pay you back in the allotted time, you are absolutely bound to tell everyone you meet all the details of how they treated you so unjustly.

The official language book of Pettyville states that you must always communicate in absolute terms. All things and people must be described as right or wrong, good or bad, smart or stupid. Ambiguous terms, phrases and wording is totally unacceptable. You will notice that the inhabitants of Pettyville are insecure, immature and self-centered. This of course is due to the ignorance rules, "Don't learn! & Don't change!"

Gerry Timm

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